


  • Opinion 06 June 2022

    Cities sharing to improve users’ experience

    While we wait to find out the winner of the UserCentriCities awards, Murcia’s Digital Officer, Kasper van Hout tells us why it is important that cities get this recognition.

    6 minute read
  • News 02 December 2021

    Murcia grabs sustainability award

    Murcia has won the Covenant of Mayors 'City in the Spotlight' award - what are the ingredients to this city's success, and why is climate change so urgent for its people?

    6 minute read
  • News 21 October 2021

    Mayors unite for climate

    Mayors met this month to reaffirm their commitments to climate, demand change and, for the lucky few, receive awards at this year’s Covenant of Mayors ceremony.

    5 minute read
  • News 13 September 2021

    Murcia: unlocking network for e-mobility

    How is Murcia planning to boost electric mobility among its citizens? As a part of the project User-Chi, the city will replicate initiatives and contribute to a network of electric vehicles.

    2 minute read