Focus Area

European institutions

Eurocities’ ongoing collaboration with the European institutions reflects our commitment to strengthening the role of cities in shaping Europe’s future.


To mark the first 100 days of the European Commission, Eurocities #100daysEU campaign highlights 10 priorities for a better Europe. We are sharing policy commentary on ways to progress towards a better Europe for cities and their citizens, by focussing on the following topics:

A better Europe starts in cities

In early 2024, ahead of the past Europeal elections, our campaign ‘A better Europe starts in cities,’ aimed to boost the role of cities at EU level by demonstrating that local leaders are essential allies in the future prosperity of the European project, both in the design and implementation of EU policy, and in bridging the gap between the EU and local communities. Read the articles:

What should be the top three priorities for the next EU mandate?
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Alex Godson Eurocities Writer