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The EBAF's lack of urban representation is a missed opportunity. Cities play a key role in sustainable food systems and must be included in EU policymaking.
3 minute readAs the European Commission marks its first 100 days, city leaders are calling for a partnership with the EU to deliver strong policies that uphold Europe’s democratic values and make a lasting difference to people's lives.
5 minute readCar congestion and safety concerns near schools stem from families relying on cars for commutes, endangering children and hindering environmental goals. Budapest is leading efforts to address this issue.
Sharon Dijksma, Mayor of Utrecht and Eurocities Shadow Commissioner for Cohesion Policy, this week addressed the European Parliament’s Regional Development Committee, where she called for a strong Cohesion Policy in the next EU budget, supporting urban transformation and recognising cities’ specific needs.
6 minute readAchieving zero-emission mobility is a key objective for Europe. It is not only a lofty aspiration but an urgent need. The road to realising this vision is long and EU policymakers must ensure Europe stays on course.
6 minute readMadrid’s low emission zone (LEZ) has been a long time in the making. As of January 2025, it’s fully implemented and covers the entire municipal area, but the journey hasn't been without challenges.
6 minute readTaking place at the European Parliament on 26 March, this meeting will discuss the future of the European Pillar of Social Rights and local governments' essential role in its implementation.
2 minute readA new policy paper from the Local Alliance network, which includes Eurocities, is calling on EU leaders to make the next EU budget a powerful tool for a just, climate-neutral and competitive Europe, underlining local government's key role in driving prosperity.
3 minute readThe latest Eurocities Pulse Survey, based on responses from 65 cities, finds city governments are increasingly recognising the need to innovative their administrations. However, to tackle urgent challenges such as climate change, they need ambitious political plans and long term innovation investment.
4 minute readPolluted air and noise harm health in Europe. Cities are taking action while progress at European level is slow.
4 minute readLocal leaders call to be included in migration and asylum policymaking and receive direct funding to integrate refugees and combat rising inequalities.
5 minute readCulture drives social and environmental change, shaping identities and economies, and cities lead the way: it's time for the EU to step up.
4 minute readCities face funding challenges for climate action. Valladolid’s blend of subsidies, EPC and soft loans shows how innovative financing can drive energy transition, reduce costs, and engage communities.
6 minute readOne in three newly elected MEPs bring experience from city governments, reflecting a growing urban influence in EU policymaking. These 'urban champions' embody cities' vision for EU policies that prioritise local challenges. Read our new analysis.
4 minute read