“When I think back to how I felt before I started here, I saw no light” – Gothenburg is tailoring its integration policies to fit the needs of migrant women.
5 minute readWhen tent encampments started popping up around Paris, the city knew it had to act – so it built a tent of its own.
8 minute readMayors across Europe are speaking out on the unlawful detention of Ekrem İmamoğlu, Mayor of Istanbul, and are demanding his immediate release.
2 minute readCommissioner Dan Jørgensen welcomes city leaders to discuss an ambitious European housing agenda.
5 minute readThe European Mobility Week Award recognises local authorities for outstanding campaigns promoting sustainable urban mobility. This year, three Eurocities members are among the finalists.
3 minute readAs the European Commission marks its first 100 days, city leaders are calling for an EU partnership to deliver strong policies that uphold Europe’s democratic values and make a lasting difference to people's lives.
5 minute readAt the Eurocities Culture Forum, European cities present how they use culture to connect communities, revitalise economies, and address climate challenges.
4 minute readEurocities Shadow Commission positions mayors and city leaders as counterparts to the next college of European Commissioners.
3 minute readAs they gather in Cluj-Napoca, city representatives from across the continent are focussed not only on civic participation, but also on how what happens in cities – in our streets, marketplaces, schools and parks – shapes Europe as a whole.
4 minute readAs Russia’s devastating war in Ukraine enters its third year, cities across Europe are coming together to express their continued solidarity and support for the Ukrainian people.
7 minute readIn a world where not everyone has the same access to these digital experiences, cities have a duty to ensure digital inclusion and bridge the digital divide.
6 minute readLeading European organisations have come together with one voice to encourage Europe's leaders to take action, and demand fair and sustainable housing for Europe's people.
3 minute readIncreasingly the key issues of the day are played out in our cities, and it is to our cities that national and European leaders must turn in times of crisis. Over the past few years, cities have demonstrated their agility when taking on international challenges, say the leader of eight European cities in this opinion piece.
5 minute readThe new president of Eurocities speaks about his vision for harmony and democracy throughout Europe, his mission to eradicate traffic, and his love of volleyball.
5 minute readThanks to the efforts of cities across the Eurocities network and through the Generators of Hope campaign, launched in coordination with the European Parliament, electrical equipment and other supplies are continuing to be sent to Ukraine.
3 minute readTurku, Leipzig and Florence are among the first cities to commit generators to Ukrainian cities as part of Eurocities campaign generators of hope.
3 minute readOne cannot talk of real integration without including women in cities' policies for migrants and refugees.
5 minute readTo the city of Leipzig, migrants are an opportunity for growth, they promote diversity, bring new ideas and contribute to the betterment of society.
4 minute readLeipzig is doing everything they can to welcome and integrate Ukrainian refugees without forgetting about refugees coming from Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and elsewhere.
4 minute readMayors from Ukrainian and EU cities met alongside European and national officials in Florence, at the European University Institute’s Festival of Europe conference, to exchange on some current and future urban needs.
5 minute readCities are playing a key role in combatting homelessness and they should be further included in national and EU plans to tackle housing problems, says Rachel Streefland , Deputy Mayor for Wellbeing, Asylum and Integration in Utrecht.
3 minute readWhat would a Europe of cities look like? If the calls of cities Eurocities2021 Annual Conference in Leipzig are anything to go by, it would be one of greater climate ambition, firm solidarity across the bloc, and a border policy more in line with Europe's basic principles.
1 minute readNice Cote d’Azur, Copenhagen and Ghent have scooped the top prizes at the Eurocities Awards 2021.
3 minute readWith negotiations in full swing at COP26, we ask mayors and European Commission Executive Vice President Frans Timmermans 'what does it take' to stick to the course of international climate deals?
4 minute readThe Mayors Alliance for the European Green Deal gathers together city leaders who are dedicated to making the sustainable transition possible, and aims to showcase city actions.
3 minute readA new alliance of more than 30 European mayors, aligned on the imperative to implement the European Green Deal at city level, say now is the time for Europe to stand firm on its climate commitments.
3 minute readAbout half of all migrants in the EU are women, but integration policies often leave women behind. Here are ten cities where things are different.
8 minute readCities want to take on a stronger role in the European recovery after the Covid crisis. They call for a direct cooperation with the European Commission.
2 minute readCity leaders from around 70 cities, meeting today, one day ahead of the EU Social Summit, have called for a new pact between all levels of government to foster a just, sustainable and inclusive recovery.
4 minute readIn a joint minute of silence, people all over Europe commemorated the victims of the coronavirus pandemic at noon on Wednesday.
2 minute readHundreds of musicians from all over Europe play at a distance, but still together, to celebrate Early Music Day this Sunday.
1 minute readMayors of European cities call on the EU member states to involve local governments in the drafting of the national recovery plans.
1 minute readLeeds does well in vaccinating all social groups, Stuttgart is quick with the elderly – some findings of a dialogue between city experts.
1 minute readWhat are the pressing questions for integration at local level? The European Commission and Parliament got together with cities at Integrating Cities IX to find out.
8 minute readLeipzigs mayor Bukhard Jung on why the New Leipzig Charter is important both for his city and all of Europe.
3 minute readThe EU member states have committed themselves to give cities a stronger role in decision making at both national and European level: this is the core of the new Leipzig Charter, endorsed by the informal council of EU ministers on urban matters on Monday.
2 minute readA new Eurocities report on housing and homelessness shows that a lack of access to affordable and social housing was already putting new groups of Europeans at risk of poverty and social exclusion before the COVID-19 pandemic.
2 minute readIn discussion with European Commission vice-president Maroš Šefčovič, Europe's major cities showed how they are instilling resilience in the core of their strategies, and made the case for stronger collaboration with the EU to ensure a sustainable urban future.
7 minute read44 cities, representing more than 51 million citizens, have jointly pledged €14.2 billion in social investment measures towards creating a fairer, more equal and inclusive Europe.
5 minute readThe city of Bruges is the most recent signatory to the letter, which seeks to bring together cities that support relocating refugee children from the Greek islands.
2 minute readDeputy mayors from Athens, Barcelona, Leipzig, Malmo, Utrecht, Vienna and Zagreb engaged in a direct dialogue with the European Commission Director for Social Affairs, Katarina Ivankovic.
5 minute read“Our Europe stands for togetherness and solidarity across borders, also and especially in times of global crisis” – that’s the message of European city leaders for Europe Day on 9 May 2020.
1 minute readCities across Europe are ready to welcome children from overcrowded refugee camps on the Greek islands.
1 minute readRead about some of the steps cities are taking to promote equality.
4 minute read21 cities, representing more than 20 million citizens have so far pledged €4.32 billion towards a fairer, more equal and inclusive Europe.
3 minute read