

Khmelnytskyi is a progressive and far-sighted city that values public opinion, fosters new business growth, and supports the spirit of entrepreneurship. The city is one of Ukraine’s greenest and cleanest regional centers, spread out on both sides of the Pivdennyi Bug River.

The city’s industrial complex includes approximately 1,000 enterprises producing a wide range of products. Khmelnytskyi is known throughout Ukraine as a city of trade, having used its history as a shopping center to become the main location for producing consumer goods and wholesale and retail trade. It is home to one of Ukraine’s largest wholesale and retail markets.

To drive economic growth and technological advancement, the city is developing the Khmelnytskyi Industrial Park. This innovative entity is set to boost investment and production activities, thereby enhancing local investment appeal.

In its pursuit of energy independence, Khmelnytskyi has implemented thermal modernisation programmes. The city is also at the forefront of waste management innovation, actively participating in the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development’s (EBRD) Green Cities programme and implementing the Solid Waste Infrastructure Modernization Project funded by the EBRD.

Cultural vibrancy is at the heart of Khmelnytskyi, with a calendar full of competitions, festivals, exhibitions, performances, and concerts. Before the Russian military aggression, the city hosted numerous major festivals annually. In 2021, Khmelnytskyi received the Europe Prize, the highest award given by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe to individual cities for spreading European ideals.

Khmelnytskyi is a city with a strong sports culture, where you are guaranteed to see groups of cyclists, street sports teams in parks, and young people practicing canoe paddling on the Southern Bug River.

To strengthen its international relations, the municipality launched an online platform to foster cooperation with sister and partner cities. This platform features panoramas, photos, and videos, providing a virtual tour of each city and showcasing ongoing partnerships.

Oleksandr Symchyshyn Mayor
official website