The City of Odesa is the main industrial, cultural, transport and scientific centre of the South of Ukraine and the Northern Black Sea coast.
Internationally, Odesa is known for its economic strength in transport and foreign trade. It is one of Ukraine’s main economic centres, combining the largest seaport, developed industry, transport, financial, and social infrastructure.
In 2019, UNESCO included Odesa in the list of creative cities of the world. This event coincided with World Cities Day, which is celebrated on October 31. Odesa has more than 1,400 cultural heritage sites and 120 nature reserve funds of national and local significance, making the region one of the most visited cultural centres in Ukraine and the world. In 2023, the UNESCO World Heritage Committee inscribed the historic centre of the port city of Odesa on the World Heritage List.
The city has 20 museums and exhibition halls, and 10 theatres, including the world-famous National Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre. Among the most popular sights of the city are the catacombs of Odesa, the longest in the world, measuring about 2.500 km.
The city of Odesa is the place of the best educational institutions in the south of Ukraine. There are more than 20 higher educational institutions, in particular, the Odesa National I.I. Mechnikov University, which is included in the world ranking of the best universities.
One of the most attractive features of Odesa is its wide range of nationalities, with more than 130 harmoniously intertwined. The city has absorbed a colourful cultural environment, scientific and educational potential and a desire for intensive development. Odesa ranks second after the capital of Ukraine in the number (more than 25) of diplomatic missions, which indicates the high status of Odesa and its recognition by the international community.
In order to deepen intercity cooperation, Odesa maintains contacts with more than 30 sister cities, and a number of culturally and socially significant projects are implemented in the framework of this cooperation, particularly a comprehensive improvement programme for our city. The Council of Europe has recognized some intercultural interaction practices as one of the best among the 127 participating cities in the Intercultural Cities program.
Together with partners, Odesa joins international initiatives to build back better urban spaces and develop a smart city. A number of sports and cultural exchange programmes have been set up with our twin cities to strengthen people-to-people links and expand areas of cooperation. We continue contributions to international efforts to protect democratic freedoms and European values, preserving cultural heritage and supporting sustainable development.