Czech Republic



  • Financing the energy transition across borders

    When it comes to renewable energy projects, many cities are not aware of the financial tools at their disposal. City-to-city mentorship is changing that.

    6 minute read
  • What goes around comes around

    Have you ever tried to burn a banana? Too much water, it doesn’t burn properly, apparently…That’s one of the reasons why it’s important to separate waste effectively…In Prague’s vision for circular economy, however, the aim is to close the loop.

    6 minute read
  • One delivery at a time

    The holiday season is here! But can your presents arrive without polluting your city? Thanks to cargo bikes in Prague, the answer is yes.

    3 minute read
  • Wesołych Świąt from Lodz

    Christmas is different this year, in cities all over the globe. Here are some season greetings, adapted to the covid conditions.

    1 minute read
  • CARbon free

    At the heart of Prague's new transport policy is a more integrated, energy efficient and environmentally friendly public transport system.

    5 minute read

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