In line with the recommendations of the Strategic Dialogue on the Future of Food and Agriculture, the European Commission has established the European Board on Agriculture and Food (EBAF). This board is intended to serve as a key advisory body, bringing together stakeholders from across the agricultural and food sectors to guide European policymaking towards more sustainable and resilient food systems.
Therefore, the recent announcement of selected stakeholders for the (EBAF) marks an important step in shaping the future of Europe’s food systems. Whilst the absence of any urban network, is a missed opportunity for the European Commission to fully embrace a comprehensive and inclusive approach to sustainable agriculture and food policies, Eurocities and ICLEI CityFood are committed to engaging with the EBAF and EU policy makers to bring their insights and perspectives.
Cities: key players in sustainable food systems
Food systems are responsible for up to 37% of global greenhouse gas emissions, with urban areas playing a substantial role in both contributing to and mitigating these emissions through sustainable practices. Given this, cities are well-positioned to implement impactful policies that promote food that is good for both people and the planet, in particular by driving a shift to sustainable diets.
“With over 70% of food consumed in urban areas, cities and regions have significant leverage through public procurement, land management, and food environments to ensure food security, improve soil health, and promote healthier, more sustainable diets,” says Peter Defranceschi, ICLEI Global CityFood Program Coordinator.
Cities across Europe are showing growing interest and willingness to address food system challenges. Eurocities’ Working Group Food includes more than 50 major European cities committed to transforming local food systems by promoting sustainable food consumption, fighting food waste, shortening supply chains, among others measures. The commitment of cities is further illustrated by the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact, an international agreement signed by over 200 cities worldwide on urban food policies.
In addition, a growing number of cities are strategically leveraging public procurement to promote sustainable and healthy diets. For example, the SchoolFood4Change EU project on school food procurement and food education coordinated by ICLEI CityFood, has shown impact on over 3,000 schools and over 600,000 school children in 12 EU Member States in only four years.
We remain open and ready to work with the European Commission and the EBAF to ensure that urban innovation and collaboration continue to inspire the future of European food policy.
Despite these advancements, the EBAF lacks representation from urban networks, missing an essential perspective in understanding the concrete measures that have proven to be effective in tackling food system challenges on the ground.
City networks are committed to future collaboration
Eurocities and ICLEI CityFood have long been committed to working with European institutions to shape resilient, sustainable, and inclusive food policies. In a letter addressed to Commissioner Hansen last week, Eurocities Shadow Commissioners for Sustainable Food Systems reaffirmed the need for an EU-wide vision on sustainable food systems that integrates contributions from all levels of governance, including cities. While the focus on rural areas is vital, a truly sustainable food strategy must also incorporate urban perspectives.
“Cities are already leading the way in making food systems more sustainable and resilient. Their contributions must be recognised at the European level. We remain open and ready to work with the European Commission and the EBAF to ensure that urban innovation and collaboration continue to inspire the future of European food policy,” says André Sobczak, Eurocities Secretary General.
While the absence of urban representation in the EBAF presents a gap, cities remain committed to shaping Europe’s food systems and leading by example. Eurocities and ICLEI CityFood fully trust that the selected EBAF members will make important contributions toward building fair, healthy, and resilient food systems. As city networks, they continue to support this process and reiterate their willingness to participate in any ad hoc meetings organised by the EBAF to contribute cities’ expertise and perspectives. Eurocities and ICLEI CityFood look forward to engaging with the European Commission and the EBAF to contribute knowledge, solutions, and concrete actions for a more sustainable agricultural future.