
From case studies to methodologies and tools, learn from other cities' experience.

Focus area
  • Policy papers

    New Urban Waste Water Directive

    Three out of five wastewater operators are public companies owned by public authorities. The new Urban Waste Water Directive needs their input to achieve its ambitions.

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  • Policy papers

    Mental health is under the local spotlight

    What can cities do to address mental health issues? A lot. From Helsinki to Cluj-Napoca to Milan, municipalities are taking decisive action to support the wellbeing of urban communities..

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  • Policy papers

    Could new EU targets melt into air?

    How would you rate air quality legislation that will have difficulty improving overall air quality, will not be acted upon in time, and is contradicted by other regulations? If we don’t close loopholes now, this could be what the EU’s revised Ambient Air Quality Directive leaves us with.

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  • Policy papers

    Eurocities statement on women’s rights and gender equality

    On the occasion of International Women’s Day on 8 March 2023, mayors from the Eurocities network reconfirm their commitment to secure women’s rights and achieve true gender equality.

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  • Interactive tools

    FOOD 2030 Online Platform

    The FOOD 2030 Online Platform brings together all projects, partnerships, networks, living labs, communities of practice and other initiatives working on transforming the food system for the benefit of the people and the planet.

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  • Publications

    Fighting youth homelessness in cities

    Young people are becoming more and more vulnerable to homelessness. Cities are acting with targeted services that take into account their age and circumstances.

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  • Policy papers

    Cities must invest in our future

    To fight climate change and make Europe digitally and socially resilient over the coming decades, cities need to make long-term investments. However, current EU regulations are blocking this, a new Eurocities policy paper explains.

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  • Case studies Policy papers

    The role of cities in shaping food environments

    This policy brief concisely defines food environments, and explains cities’ efforts to transform local food environments while generating positive co-benefits for/in the urban context.

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  • Policy papers

    Gender equality lessons from cities

    Eurocities publishes a report mapping cities’ existing policy measures that align with the European Pillar of Social Rights principles, including gender equality.

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  • Publications

    A year in cities 2021-22

    The online Eurocities Annual Report 2021-22 presents stories of city successes and updates from the last 18 months.

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