
Inspiring stories on cultural heritage

Do you want to know how to revive dilapidated buildings and make them centres of creativity or hubs for small businesses? How about helping communities unite through public monuments, or recasting local histories through new inclusive setups? Then check out our new catalogue from Cultural Heritage in Action here.

Following an open call, we have gathered 32 examples of innovative practices focusing on participatory governance, re-use of heritage buildings and quality of interventions on cultural heritage.

Cultural heritage, whether tangible or intangible, ranks high in the strategic priorities of European cities and regions. From large to small-scale projects, from structures to events, investments in cultural heritage are powerful for urban regeneration, for territorial cohesion and for social inclusion.

Stories from the catalogue highlight new working methods developed by local and regional authorities with stakeholders. You will also find out that adaptive re-use of heritage buildings is not only for cultural uses and that built heritage areas are increasingly brought back to citizens through new open public spaces.

The catalogue was prepared in the framework of Cultural Heritage in Action, the EU peer-learning programme on cultural heritage for cities and regions.

Cultural Heritage in Action is managed by a consortium led by Eurocities with KEA, ERRIN, Europa Nostra and Architects’ Council of Europe from January 2020 to June 2021.

Enjoy reading our catalogue and be inspired by all local and regional success stories!


Julie Hervé Head of Culture