
Eurocities statement on the LIFE programme 2021-2027

The EUROCITIES statement on the Commission proposal for a regulation on LIFE (2021-2027) is now out.

To support the environmental action of city authorities, we recommend

1. setting a minimum co-financing rate of at least 60% and broadening the eligibility of staff costs in order to remain an attractive funding source for city authorities.

2. maximising the benefits of LIFE for city authorities by increasing the budget for clean energy transition; covering implementation of the Covenant of Mayors’ Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans; noise; and information and governance.

3. systematically involving multipliers and facilitate combined funding to amplify the impact of projects.

4. improving cities’ access to technical assistance, mainly by supporting large city authorities to undertake integrated projects.

The full version of the statement can be downloaded here: Eurocities statement_LIFE 2018

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Louise Coffineau Policy Advisor (Water, Circular Economy, Climate)
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