

SUMPS UP assists local authorities in implementing their own Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP), therefore helping European cities to systematically introduce cleaner and more sustainable mobility.

The project will support up to 100 European cities and 200 mobility experts in the field of sustainable urban mobility planning. The project will assist planning authorities through capacity building, tailored information, and support during development and implementation phases.

The seven partner cities will introduce innovations to their existing Sustainable Urban Plans. For example, Birmingham will develop a new road space allocation policy for vehicles driving through the area. Budapest, will develop an integrated transport demand management system (TDM) framework for road users. Malmo, will study an innovative new travel survey technique. San Sebastian, will create interactive cycling and walking maps using a participatory mapping approach with flexible use of public space. Sofia, will also develop participatory approaches to interact with citizens. Thessaloniki, will incorporate private entrepreneurship into their SUMP. And Turin, will emphasize mobility as a service.

SUMPs-Up is one of three projects related to sustainable urban mobility plans under the European Union’s CIVITAS 2020 initiative – an initiative dedicated to cleaner, better transport in Europe and beyond. By enhancing cooperation among the Member States, the CIVITAS SUMP  projects make it possible to lower the barriers to the implementation of more energy-efficient and sustainable urban mobility planning in an integrated way that would not be possible within the boundaries of a country.