

FastTrack will support the transfer, financing and implementation of innovative transport solutions amongst 24 cities and metropolitan regions.

The project will work on a variety of transport modes, technologies, services and strategies such as Mobility as a Service, multimodal traffic management, smart grids for e-charging, smart bus prioritization at traffic lights, micro-terminals for freight distribution.

Each city will participate in a two-year capacity-building and exchange programme, and will deliver a detailed implementation plan. The project will also provide trainings on horizontal issues such as digitalization, business modelling and governance. Cities will get opportunities to meet with potential investors and suppliers and a separate fund will be available to cities that want to apply for specific external expertise and springboard studies.

Cities will also be encouraged to go beyond their administrative boundaries and cooperate with regional, peri-urban and rural entities.


Anne-Charlotte Trapp Project Coordinator - Mobility


Budapest Fovaros Onkormanyzata, Comune Di Bologna, Ethniko Kentro Erevnas Kai Technologikis Anaptyxis, European Integrated Project, Iclei European Secretariat Gmbh (Iclei Europasekretariat Gmbh), Mobiel 21 Vzw, Stad Antwerpen, Stockholms Stad, Vectos Gmbh