
Data Space for Smart and Sustainable Cities and Communities

Data Space for Smart and Sustainable Cities and Communities (DS4SSCC) is an EU-funded initiative  led by OASC in collaboration with Eurocities, ENoLL, the Fiware Foundation, AIT, and CCIS .

It provides a coordinated starting point for public, private, and individual stakeholders to contribute and use data, aligned with European values and policies. The project aims to create a blueprint for the data space for smart communities including recommended actions for standardisation, business models and strategies for running data spaces, and a vision for the federation of platforms.

Eurocities leads WP2 which brings cities together to co-develop a governance scheme to guide practices and interactions with various stakeholders (e.g. industry, academia, civil society, etc.) in the cities data space. The work is driven by local use-cases and will consider roles and responsibilities, legal principles and guidelines, data quality practices and standard tooling.


Justine Gangneux Project Coordinator

Ending date

October 2023


  • Ait Austrian Institute of Technology Gmbh (Ait)
  • European Network of Living Labs Ivzw (ENoLL)
  • Fiware Foundation Ev (Fiware)
  • Gospodarska Zbornica Slovenije (Ccis)
  • Open & Agile Smart Cities (Oasc)