
The Living-in.EU Digital Assembly: leading the way in people-centred digital innovation

29 July 2024

The second Digital Assembly of the Living-in.EU movement will take place on Wednesday, 9 October 2024, during the European Week of Cities and Regions (EWCR).

This event is important for stakeholders across Europe as it serves as a platform to highlight the role of local and regional leaders in digital innovation.

CoR Member Mirja Vehkaperä, Chair of the City Board of Oulu, and Co-Chair of the Digital Assembly, emphasises the significance of this event, stating, “The second Digital Assembly of the Living-in.EU movement is a key occasion to put forward the needs and priorities of local and regional leaders towards the new European Commission and re-state their role at the centre of the local innovation ecosystem.”

A central role in the innovation ecosystem

The Living-in.EU Digital Assembly acts as the political advisory body of the Living-in.EU movement. Meeting annually allows mayors, regional presidents, and other relevant actors to discuss political priorities and strategies that support the green and digital transformations of EU cities and communities.

This year’s theme, Digital Innovation Ecosystem with a People-Centred Approach, will ensure digital transformation benefits all citizens. Mayor Lluïsa Moret Sabidó of Sant Boi de Llobregat, who also co-chairs the assembly, underscores the importance of this event: “The second Digital Assembly of the Living-in.EU movement will once again unite local and regional leaders to explore how technology can be harnessed with a human-centric approach to foster the equitable development of our cities and regions. As a mayor of the city of Sant Boi de Llobregat and a president of the Barcelona Provincial Council, I am looking forward to sharing my local and regional perspective with colleagues from all over the EU and make sure we are all on the same page when it comes to the citizens – we cannot leave anyone behind in the digital transformation,” she says.

Embracing a people-centred approach

The assembly will address how to create a digital transformation that is secure, inclusive, and democratic. This involves safeguarding digital rights and bridging the digital divide to ensure that no one is excluded. These discussions align with the mission letter of Commissioner Ferreira and focus on supporting regions and individuals most affected by the twin green and digital transitions.

Eurocities has long been highlighting the need for a people-centred approach in digitalisation. Digital transformation should not merely be about adopting new technologies but should aim to improve services and ensure everyone benefits.

Fostering technological innovation

The assembly will also explore ways to facilitate technological innovation to support local economies. Discussions will focus on how public authorities can be more active in the innovation ecosystem. This approach aligns with the cohesion policy investment goal to modernise European economies.

The 2024 Eurocities Monitor underscores that digital innovation should aim to address pressing challenges such as climate change and urban mobility.

Cities are leveraging technologies like big data analytics, AI, and digital twins to enhance services and foster more sustainable and inclusive environments. Cities are also collaborating on sharing solutions and open-source technologies to maximise the impact of digital advancements.

Addressing the digital divide and building capacity in cities

One major challenge is bridging the digital divide, which has widened due to the rapid pace of digital innovation. This issue affects various groups differently, making it crucial to understand and address these disparities.

Cities call for a common EU tool to monitor and measure the digital divide, providing cities with the means to effectively address digital inclusion. Investment in digital literacy and skills development is essential to bridge this gap and ensure equitable access to digital technologies.

Despite efforts by the European Union to achieve Digital Decade 2030 targets, a significant number of Europeans still lack basic digital skills. Cities need to invest in capacity building to effectively implement digital solutions. This includes developing a culture of innovation within city administrations and addressing existing disparities.

Join the conversation

The Living-in.EU Digital Assembly highlights the importance of local leadership in shaping the future of digital transformation.

With limited spots available, participants are encouraged to register for the session titled: Living-in.EU Digital Assembly, scheduled for 9 October 2024, from 14:30 to 16:30. Registration closes on 15 September, so hurry up and reserve your seat!

For more information and to register, visit this page.

This event is a chance to participate in discussions that put people at the centre of digital innovation.


Lucía Garrido Eurocities Writer
