European cities have been leading the way on smart city development for over a decade. Cities are pioneers in testing and implementing innovative, sustainable and integrated solutions to become greener, more efficient, and better places. Working at an EU and on local projects and initiatives, city governments have fostered territorial and multi-level collaboration and increasingly developed a broader smart city vision. Digital transformation - the change associated with the application of digital technology in all aspects of human society - is also part of this vision. Cities are increasingly combining the power of data technology and the power of people, creating numerous opportunities, but also posing new challenges as citizens and public authorities are increasingly concerned by privacy, security and accountability issues. Our European projects in this area include Living-in.EU, DS4SSCC, USER-CHI, COLLECTORS, ULaaDs, SHOW and ROCK. Read more on our positions on:
- Eurocities statement ‘People-centred digital transformation: Cities’ priorities for a digital transformation for all.’
- Eurocities policy paper on the Digital Services Act
- Eurocities statement: The fifth generation of telecommunications system (5G) deployment in cities
- Eurocities statement: People-centred Artificial Intelligence (AI) in cities
- Eurocities statement: Business to Government (B2G) data sharing