
Living Spaces: Cities and regions shaping the built environment for everyone 

Architecture has a fundamental impact on people’s quality of life. Cities and regions today must have well-designed buildings and environments that are inclusive and considerate of everyone’s needs. At the same time, these designs should not harm the environment or use up more resources than the Earth can handle. This is crucial for the happiness and health of contemporary society and for the well-being of future generations.

Living Spaces is a peer-learning programme designed for local and regional authorities to learn how to plan and implement high-quality architectural policies and projects.

Living Spaces will facilitate exchanges among the European Union’s cities, regions, Member States and relevant stakeholders on processes and good practices.

The project activities will demonstrate that building and planning for everyone improves cohesion, attractiveness, and the sustainability of our cities and regions.

Such activities include:


Clementine Daubeuf Project Coordinator
Ermioni Chatzimichail Project Officer

Starting date

June 2023

Ending date

December 2024


Funded by the creative Europe programme of the European Union, Living Spaces is implemented by:

  • Eurocities
  • Conseil des Architectes d’Europe