
The Future City: The Core of the Green & Digital Transitions in Europe

From 15 Jun to 16 Jun 2021
15 & 16 June 2021

Cities have the potential to play a major role in dealing with many of the critical issues faced in Europe today, by becoming key drivers of the twin green and digital transformations. The Forum Europe’s conference entitled: ‘The Future City: The Core of the Green & Digital Transitions in Europe’, with Eurocities as a partner, will gather over 800 European and national policy-makers, regional decision-makers and city representatives as well as top level industry experts to discuss the role that European cities can play in the twin transitions towards climate neutrality and digital leadership, especially during the recovery period.

Themes covered by the event will include:

  •    The role of tech and data for a human-centric and green digital transformation of the city;
  •    The computing power and connectivity infrastructure needed to achieve sustainable and resilient smart cities;
  •    The role of energy systems integration to lower emissions in the circular city;
  •    Smart and sustainable mobility, multimodality and the future of city planning;
  •    The role of the Renovation Wave Strategy for a circular and smart urban transformation;
  •    Achieving sustainable and resilient food systems in cities and strengthening their connection with peripheral rural communities;
  •    The future of urban development policies post Covid-19.

More information can be found here. Registration is open to all, free of charge.


Sinéad Mullins Director of Outreach and Member Engagement