
Next Generation Academy – Vilnius

From 17 Oct to 18 Oct 2024

Are you passionate about sustainable urban mobility and eager to contribute to transformative change? Whether you’re a young professional, student, city official, or international expert, the Next Generation Academy in Vilnius offers you a platform to engage creatively in designing the mobility solutions of tomorrow’s cities.

This two-day event is an opportunity to collaborate with like-minded individuals and experts from across Europe. Through a blend of learning, hands-on projects, and practical action, you will be at the forefront of creating impactful urban mobility solutions.

The challenge

As Vilnius gears up for its role as the European Green Capital in 2025, one of its key priorities is to promote a greener, healthier, and more sustainable mobility model. The Next Generation Academy in Vilnius will focus on the challenge of reducing car dependency and encouraging a shift towards public transport and cycling. Participants will work on creating innovative strategies and actions to drive this change, targeting key groups such as schools, workplaces, and the general public.

During this event, you’ll engage in activities to foster a mindset shift in urban mobility. The programme includes a deep dive into effective communication strategies, awareness campaigns, and actionable projects that change mobility behaviour in Vilnius. Over the course of two days, the you will engage in hands-on, collaborative workshops, from problem exploration to developing prototype solutions. Other highlights include a bicycle tour of the city and a field trip for practical mobility-focused engagement. This challenge-based event will empower you to contribute to the city’s sustainable future.

You’ll also have the chance to engage with international experts including Chris Bruntlett of the Dutch Cycling Embassy;  Gintarė Janušaitienė, Senior Advisor, Ministry of Transport, Government of Lithuania; Janet Sanz, former Deputy Mayor of Barcelona for Urban Planning, Mobility and the Environment; and Kristina Gaučė, Urban Mobility Planning expert.

You can find more details, including the full event programme, in the call for participation here.

Can I attend?

People below 30 years old, falling into the categories below, are welcome to apply to attend:

  • Local university students and young professionals
  • City officials and civil servants from Eurocities member cities
  • International urban professionals

By participating in the Next Generation Academy in Vilnius, you’ll gain valuable experience and skills while contributing to shaping the future of urban mobility. This is your chance to connect with international peers and be part of a collective effort to design a sustainable, inclusive, and vibrant future for our cities.

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn, engage, and make an impact: Apply now!

The Eurocities Next Generation Academy is co-developed and co-organised by Eurocities, as part of the Eurocities Academy, and the NGA Collective (formerly known as Young Leaders Academy).


Guillem Ramirez Chico Project Developer - Eurocities Academy

Vilnius, Vilnius City Municipality, Lithuania