
Updating the EU’s vehicle emission standards: what’s at stake?

03 Dec 2021

Road transport is a major contributor to air pollution. While progress has been made through successive generations of vehicle emission standards, cities across Europe struggle to meet air quality standards, and citizens breathe toxic air, resulting in health problems, premature deaths, and high costs to society.

The shift to zero-emission mobility will help, but combustion engine vehicles will continue to be sold until their proposed phase out in 2035, and stay on our roads much beyond that. Further emissions reductions are possible with technologies available today, including at the exhaust level which has been the focus of vehicle emission standards to date. Non-exhaust emissions such as abrasion of brakes and tyres, which have become the dominant source of particulate matter emissions from road transport but remain unregulated to date, also need to be examined.

The European Commission is due to come forward with a proposal to update the EU vehicle emission standards, also known as Euro 7, by the end of this year. The recent update of the WHO’s Air Quality Guidelines recommends much lower limits than those in place in the EU including for NOx and PM of which road transport is a major contributor, calling for strong action to reduce pollution at source.

This event will shed light on some of the key issues at stake when updating the Euro vehicle emission standards, what’s at stake, and why it matters. Join us on 3 December for an online discussion with a panel of experts and public interest stakeholders.

What: Euro 7 – Updating the EU’s vehicle emission standards: what’s at stake? Why it matters?
When: Friday 3 December 2021, 13:00 – 14:00 CET
Where: online (register here)
Register: Via this link


13:00 Welcome

Dorthe Nielsen, Eurocities

13:05 State of play
Panagiota Dilara, DG GROW, European Commission
13:10 Keynote speech

Dan Lert, Deputy mayor of Paris in charge of ecological transition, the Climate Plan, water and energy

13:20 Panel discussion

Moderator: Dorthe Nielsen, Eurocities

·        Bas Eickhout, Member of the European Parliament

·        Martin Lutz, City of Berlin

·        Robin Loos, BEUC (European Consumers Organisation)

·        Fabian Sperka, Transport & Environment

13:55 Closing remarks Dorthe Nielsen, Eurocities


Thomas Lymes Policy Advisor, Mobility & Air Quality