
Volunteering for integration across Europe

In Zurich a Foreign Nationals’ Advisory Board represents the needs of newcomers to the local authority, and also promotes volunteering opportunities among migrants to help them integrate. In Cesena, migrants volunteer to lead tours of their new cities while reflecting on their own paths to raise awareness among the local community (see the video here). In Oslo, the city trains female migrant volunteers in areas like mental health or the digital world to empower other migrant women. A new digital toolkit from the European VALUES project, managed by Eurocities, has captured these and other ideas from 16 cities working with volunteers to improve migrant integration.

Through images, videos, and clear explanations, you’ll get unrivalled insight into how volunteering can be encouraged and leveraged in communities and neighbourhoods, and among migrant populations and youth to make a positive difference for our shared future. Have a sneak peek below, and check it out in fullscreen here.


Rossella Nicoletti Senior Project Coordinator - UNITES