
Roadmap for Scaling Impact Investment in Urban Food Systems

This publication, produced within the Food Trails project, is aimed at municipalities, investors, innovators, and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) across the food value chain. This roadmap aims to bring an investment perspective to urban food policy, acting as a resource for municipalities and other urban food systems actors to integrate impact investment in food systems and policymaking.

One of the core objectives of Food Trails is to increase the connections among innovative entrepreneurs, policymakers, and investors within cities, fostering an exchange of knowledge and information. In 2022, the Food Trails project invited experts, investors, and financial actors to participate in the Investors Living Lab, together with the project’s partner municipalities. Through monthly meetings and exchanges, the Investors Lab addressed eight themes to explore insights and experiences on topics linked to impact investing in urban food systems. This Roadmap is a result of key findings from the Investors Lab and builds on discussions with global stakeholders held at other events, including at the 2022 World Economic Forum and a 2023 Eurocities event in Brussels.

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