
EUROCITIES reaction to the European Climate Pact

The promise of a European Green Deal has brought a new and much-needed impetus to the climate debate. The ambition to make Europe climate neutral by 2050 is not only extremely challenging but an absolute necessity. We cannot let the status quo jeopardise the future of millions of European citizens. We must make more ambitious commitments to address climate change at all levels of government and in every aspect of European policy making.

Eurocities statement on the European Climate Pact – our key messages:

1. The European Climate Pact should build upon existing EU initiatives.

2. The European Climate Pact can add value by acting as an ‘umbrella’ initiative of local climate pacts, upscaling and replicating the most successful ones, and working to clear goals.

3. An effective European Climate Pact must be locally driven, fostering citizens engagement and behavioural change to ensure ownership.

EUROCITIES reaction to Climate Pact

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Louise Coffineau Policy Advisor (Water, Circular Economy, Climate)
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