
Vital Nodes

Vital Nodes aims to enable efficient, sustainable freight delivery across urban areas on the Trans-European Transport Networks (TEN-T), by bringing together existing European, national and regional networks.

As a result of increasing freight traffic, cities on the TEN-T strategic routes need to cope with challenges such as congestion, poor air quality, noise and road safety risks. Vital Nodes works on improving European interconnection, and developing sustainable solutions for the last mile.

Vital Nodes will deliver evidence-based recommendations for effective and sustainable integration of cities into the TEN-T network corridors. These will be tailored to each city, since each city has its own issues, characteristics and context.

Vital Nodes will specifically address the multi and intermodal connection between long-distance and last-mile freight logistics. The project will help balance the need to integrate accessible and profitable freight logistics with the necessity to cultivate urban areas that offer a pleasant and sustainable way of living.