
Urban Transitions Mission Centre

The Urban Transition Mission Center – UTMC is a platform aiming to mainstream actions towards climate neutral and net-zero urban developments on a global level. The UTMC will contribute to implement the Urban Transition Mission of Mission Innovation and support the global outreach of the European Cities Mission implemented through the Net Zero Cities Project.  This Center will provide effective support and knowledge for local governments and international stakeholders and through this, support European policy such as the European Green Deal and work towards the international commitments of the Paris Agreement.

The UTMC will make available evidence and good practice for urban climate neutral and net-zero transitions globally and facilitate capacity building, knowledge exchange and moderated learning for municipalities and key stakeholders. In operational terms, the UTMC will set up actions according to the three impact pathways:

  1. Mainstream knowledge and good practice to accelerate urban transitions: The mission platform will be extended towards global use, making available international solutions and good practices and promote financing and funding opportunities to implement integrated urban climate action and net-zero pathways.
  2. Offer advanced frameworks and moderated learning across all governance levels to raise awareness of and capacities for CN and NZ policies: Policy advocacy for climate neutral and net-zero approaches will allow aligning of global policies. Capacity building measures for local and regional actors will provide guidelines and support mutual learning to drive systemic change.
  3. Establish the GKEC as a forum for international exchange and cooperation on climate neutral and net-zero transitions: Global and regional events accompanied by comprehensive dissemination measures will raise visibility of EU and international good practice and strengthen international cooperation on climate neutrality and net-zero pathways.


Karel Van Oordt Project Coordinator

Starting date

December 2022

Ending date

November 2025


  • LGI Sustainable Innovation
  • Eurocities
  • The Global Covenant of Mayors (GCoM)
  • The European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL)
  • ICLEI World Secretariat (ICLEI WS)
  • ICLEI Europe (ICLEI ES)
  • The Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)