

Sustainable Urban Net Zero Network for Ukraine (SUN4Ukraine) is a four-year project with an overarching objective to associate Ukrainian cities with cities that are part of the EU Mission for Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities.

SUN4Ukraine will assist Ukrainian cities with designing Climate Neutrality Plans and integrating these plans into their reconstruction strategies, providing technical support and a tailored capacity building programme.

The consortium, comprising organisations from across the EU and Ukraine, will select ten Ukrainian frontrunner cities committed to climate-neutral urban planning reconstruction.

A Capacity Building programme structured around three tracks – Foundation, Twinning, and Replication – will kickstart the journey towards climate neutrality for these ten Ukrainian frontrunner cities. Through workshops, twinning with EU Mission Cities, and mentoring sessions, cities will gain vital insights and support.

The programme, designed by the multidisciplinary SUN4Ukraine consortium, will use a variety of learning formats and leverage collective expertise from organisations across the EU and Ukraine. It aims to reinforce city capacities in climate-neutral urban planning, citizen engagement, and governance models while facilitating knowledge exchange with EU counterparts.

SUN4Ukraine is coordinated by Eurocities. SUN4Ukraine builds upon the expertise of its partners, leveraging their extensive experience and network across the EU and Ukraine.

The SUN4UKRAINE project has received funding from the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme, under grant agreement No 101147950.


Lesya Tymoshenko Senior Project Coordinator

Starting date

01 May 2024

Ending date

30 April 2028


Eurocities, Energy Cities Association, ARUP, Council of European Municipalities and Regions, LGI Sustainable Innovation, Ro3kvit Urban Coalition for Ukraine, Center for environmental initiatives “Ecoaction”, The Democratic Society Aisbl, Kyiv School of Economics, Demos Research Institute Helsinki, Centre for Society Research, Association of Ukrainian Cities, Climate-KIC Holding B.V.

Associate partner: United Nations Development Programme.