
Mayors Alliance for the European Green Deal

Meeting the EU’s climate ambitions, as embodied in the European Green Deal commitment to attain carbon neutrality by 2050, will depend on the performance of cities.

Many European cities already lead by example with emission reduction plans that are more ambitious than their national governments, aiming for climate neutrality already by 2030 or 2040. They are adapting policies, infrastructure, and making investments to meet these targets.

By capitalising on cities’ ambitions to be the driver of sustainable transition and promoting mayors’ actions and messages on a resilient recovery within the public debate, we can inspire others to act and increase the understanding at EU level of the contribution made locally. This will help foster more considered actions at all levels, while stimulating the right policy and investment choices, including regarding the national recovery plans. It will also increase public awareness and engagement in a sustainable future for Europe, where social equity and climate neutrality goes hand in hand.

To this end, the Eurocities Mayors Alliance will bring together committed mayors to convey the powerful message that a sustainable transition is possible, and that mayors are taking the lead in creating win-win city visions where the different elements of sustainability, environment, social and economy are mutually reinforcing.


Masha Smirnova Head of Governance


Starting date

May 2023

Ending date

April 2024