

Meet CLEVERFOOD Connected Labs for Empowering Versatile Engagement in Radical Food system transformation. This Horizon Europe project is all about making important improvements to how we produce, buy and consume our food in Europe. It’s bringing together a variety of actors, from youngsters to farmers, investors, researchers, and government officials, to collaborate for fairer, healthier, and more sustainable food practices.

Your city’s role: driving food transformation

Participate in the FOOD 2030 Connected Lab Network to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of food. Engage in policy and living labs that facilitate urban food system transformation. The CLEVERFOOD peer-learning programmes empower your city to develop actionable plans for driving change. The most promising ideas will secure funding to kick-start their implementation.

CLEVERFOOD’s Comprehensive Approach

Experience more than just change – anticipate a paradigm shift. CLEVERFOOD introduces:

  • Develop the FOOD 2030 Multi-actor and Public Engagement Mechanism: a comprehensive, pan-European mechanism promoting collaboration among all food system stakeholders. Are you an actor in the food system? Benefit from targeted support and shared learning.
  • Establish the FOOD 2030 Project Collaboration Network: a network bringing together various projects, policies and communities relevant to food to create a bigger impact.
  • The FOOD 2030 Online Platform: An all-encompassing digital hub gathering the outputs and tools produced by the project. A space where pioneers from across the food system converge to exchange insights, ideas, and inspiration.

In CLEVERFOOD, innovation, collaboration, and decisive action converge to create a more flavorful, healthier, and sustainable future.


Madeleine Coste Head of Food
Chiara Roticiani Project Officer - Food


Starting date

January 2023

Ending date

December 2026


Aki Agrarkozgazdazagi Intezet Nonprofit Kft, Association Europeenne Des Expositions Scientifiques Techniques Et Industrielles, Beinfluence, Ciencia Viva-agencia Nacional Para a Cultura Cientifica E Tecnologica, Comune Di Milano, Dansk Vegetarisk Forening, Eit Food, Ellinogermaniki Agogi Scholi Panagea Savva Ae, European Food Information Council, Fondazione Icons, Fundacio Privada Institut De Recerca De La Sida-caixa, Kobenhavns Universitet, Ministerstwo Rolnictwa I Rozwoju Wsi, Okologiai Mezogazdasagi Kutatointezet Kozhasznu Nonprofit Kft, Seges Innovation Ps, Slow Food Associazione, Stichting Vu, Stichting Wageningen Research, Susmetro Eu Bv, Tænketanken Frej, Wri Europe Stichting, Zorgonderzoek Nederland Zon