
Big Buyers for Climate and Environment

The Big Buyers for Climate and Environment is a European Commission initiative for promoting collaboration between big public buyers in implementing strategic public procurement.

Public procurement can be a key tool in driving the development of innovative goods and services on the European market. By working together and pooling their resources, cities, central purchasing bodies, and other major public procurers can maximise their market power and impact. The initiative presents a compelling opportunity to engage with other public authorities across Europe and to shape new innovative solutions to your procurement needs.

The Big Buyers is currently focused on four working groups:

  • Zero-emission construction sites
  • Heavy-duty electric vehicles
  • Circular construction materials
  • Digital solutions in the healthcare sector

Previous phases of the Big Buyers explored some of these procurement areas, notably zero-emissions construction sites, heavy-duty electric vehicles and circular construction materials. As a result, the Big Buyers has already helped push the market position in key areas. For example, the working group on zero emission construction sites produced factsheets for policymakers, businesses, and citizens, and the group on heavy duty vehicles produced a joint statement of demand along with a publicly available list of electric heavy-duty vehicles.

Big Buyers – Information Brief – May 2021


Starting date

March 2023

Ending date

March 2027


  • Iclei European Secretariat Gmbh
  • Bmenet Gmbh