
Read our latest news, opinion, press releases, publications and events.

  • Opinion 2 June 2023

    The age of public transport

    Bus, trams and metro connections took centre stage at the 31 May – 2 June Eurocities Mobility Forum in Porto. EU policy asks cities to increase the quantity and quality of their public transport offer, but that requirement comes with a new set of challenges for local governments across the continent. 

    5 minute read
  • Opinion 1 June 2023

    Riding the green mobility wave in Porto

    Transport poverty, the decarbonisation of heavy-duty vehicles in cities, multimodality and the digital transformation are topping the agenda of the 2023 Eurocities Mobility Forum currently undergoing in Porto.

    4 minute read
  • Opinion 30 May 2023

    In conversation with Adam Pustelnik, Deputy Mayor of Lodz

    Cities have taken rapid actions over the last year to support citizens and business alike in the wake of an unprecedented energy crisis.

    5 minute read
  • Opinion 30 May 2023

    All aboard: future-proofing urban mobility 

    From 31 May to 2 June, urban and mobility experts are taking to Porto for the 2023 edition of the Eurocities Mobility Forum. Topping the agenda: transport poverty, how the digital revolution will re-shape the way people move in cities, the decarbonisation of heavy-duty vehicles and how to strengthen the public transport offer. 

    4 minute read
  • Opinion 26 May 2023

    Social Forum 2023: a missed opportunity to hear the voice of cities

    Municipalities implement social and inclusion policies to guarantee diversity and fairness. National and EU governments should invite local authorities to the discussion table to ensure that policy decisions can be implemented on the ground and meet local people's needs.

    4 minute read
  • Opinion 19 May 2023

    The century of cities – interview

    Will cities rule the world? Greg Clark doesn't think so, but the moderator of the Brussels Urban Summit does insist that local leaders must be invested with more power if we're to face the challenges besetting the globe.

    11 minute read
  • Opinion 11 May 2023

    Glasgow reaffirms EU values on Europe Day

    On the occasion of Europe Day, Glasgow reaffirms its commitment to the European Union values and to continue engaging with pan-European initiatives despite Brexit.

    4 minute read
  • Opinion 10 May 2023

    The future of multicultural cities

    Migration is a fact of urban life, one attended by many opportunities, but also beset by inequalities. The Brussels Urban Summit will take a deep look at the state of inequalities in cities within a highly uncertain global context.

    5 minute read
  • Opinion 29 March 2023

    How citizen science helps to clear the air in cities 

    Across Europe, citizen science initiatives like CitiAIR and Les Chercheurs d’Air help to monitor pollution and are cities' allies in improving the air we breathe.

    3 minute read
  • Opinion 23 February 2023

    “We are finding a way to continue living”

    The First Deputy Mayor of Lviv offers a glimpse into daily life in Ukraine. In this interview, Andriy Moskalenko talks about European identity and innovation at a time when electricity is barely available and hundreds of thousands of people are internally displaced.

    6 minute read

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