
Europe’s restart needs cities

30 November 2020

Dario Nardella, Mayor of Florence and President of Eurocities, calls for a new dialogue of European and national leaders with mayors. “We are asking for a seat at the table when decisions that have implications for cities are taken,” Nardella said at an informal European Council meeting with national ministers on urban matters on Monday.

Europe needed an “ongoing and systematic dialogue across all policy areas which have an impact on urban developments”, Nardella said in the online meeting. In his view, this collaboration has to start by involving cities in the design of the national recovery plans, dealing with the consequences of the corona pandemic.

Nardella also urged Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, to meet mayors. “For a sharp and strong restart European cities are essential,” Nardella wrote in a tweet referring to an initiative of US president-elect Joe Biden, who has announced to build “a strong partnership” with American cities. Nardella sees this as a model for Europe: “Eurocities is ready for this challenge.”

