
Speed-dating cities to learn about new mobility solutions

08 Dec 2020

Learning from cities as if you were visiting them – how can that work during a global health pandemic?

A challenge that CIVITAS has met by asking seven cities to film their best mobility solutions and share their insights through short case studies. On Tuesday 8 December, 10:30 – 13:00 CET, you will get a chance to ‘speed-date’ the cities and learn all about their measures.

These cities have pushed mobility boundaries, they dared to:

  • Give public space back to people. Exchange with colleagues from Bratislava (Slovakia) on how to transform a transit zone into public squares.
  • Make walking and cycling accessible for all. Hear more on Madrid’s strategy to ensure safe and active mobility for younger and older people in the Spanish capital.
  • Test agile mobility solutions in practice. Chat with Helsinki (Finland) about their cargo bike rental system, as well as their new electric ferry operating as an on-demand service.
  • Give cyclists the room they need. See how the city of Aachen (Germany) is testing new protected bikes lanes separated from regular traffic.
  • Push for innovative and sustainable mobility. Let us travel to Rethymno in Greece to discover their smart on-street parking system.
  • Turn streets into cycling lanes and pedestrian zones. Learn more about Sarajevo’s experience in closing off areas to cars to create space in the Bosnian capital for green mobility solutions.
  • Transform parking spaces into public spaces. Speak with colleagues from Szeged (Hungary) about giving back public space to people by changing parking spaces from the docks into a free cultural and leisure area.

To register for the event, click here. Check out the CIVITAS E-publication launch event agenda.

If you would like more information, please contact Arianna Americo and Anne-Charlotte Trapp at and


Arianna Americo Project & forum coordinator