
Changing our behaviour for the good of the planet

From 06 Apr to 08 Apr 2022

Cities are on the frontline of the climate and biodiversity crises. As home to over seventy percent of the European population and as the closest level of government to citizens, cities hold the power to create collaborative transformative change. But how can we harness this power? How can cities engage with individuals and businesses to create new collective norms?

In collaboration with the city of Grenoble Alpes Metropole, the Eurocities Environment Forum will take place from 6-8 April 2022 on the theme of behaviour change for the transition to climate neutrality.

Named European Green Capital 2022, Grenoble is the third densest city in France (outside of Ile-de-France) with 8,861 inhabitants per km²; the mountains provide a natural barrier to urban sprawl driving innovative urban regeneration and rehabilitation, but the city alone can be praised for its engagement with stakeholders big and small to help shape a resilient, sustainable future.

While most sessions are reserved for Eurocities members only, the following livestreams will play on 7 April:

DAY 2: Thursday 7 April 2022


Official welcome by hosts Grenoble Alpes Metropole 


Filipe Araujo, Vice Mayor of Porto, Chair of Eurocities Environment Forum




The science: how our habits inform our response to climate change 

Nicolas Fieulaine on Public Innovation Chair / Thibaut Daudigeos on Territoire en Transition  

30 mins keynote + 10 mins Q&A 



The politics. Creating the conditions for living sustainably.  

What role is there for cities in creating the conditions to live sustainably? To what extent can cities support business and citizens in making sustainable choices? What is needed from the national and european governments  to support cities?  

Links to the livestream will be shared on this page in time.


Heather Brooks Policy & Project Officer (Noise, Green Areas & Biodiversity)
