
Bringing urban food policies to the table

09 Mar 2023

WHEN: 9 March

WHERE: Brussels

Food systems are responsible for about 30% of global emissions, so they cannot be neglected as more cities aim to become climate neutral and to fight the increasingly visible effects of climate change.

At a time of successive crises, it is urgent to act on food systems so everyone can access healthy, nutritious and quality food.

The basic fuel of cities and their people, food systems must evolve to become more ecological, resilient, fair for producers and consumers, circular and healthy.

European cities are already acting and co-creating measures and policies with local people and food stakeholders to limit food systems’ impact on climate and the environment, improve people’s wellbeing, shorten and strengthen production chains, and guarantee access to good food for all.

In 2023, the European Commission will put forward the proposal for a legislative framework for sustainable food systems (FSFS), one of the flagship initiatives of the Farm to Fork Strategy. Its goal is to accelerate and facilitate the transition towards more sustainable food systems.

Eurocities and the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact are organising a high-level event on 9 March 2023 to join the conversation on how such a comprehensive policy should look and share cities’ perspectives, achievements and ambitions, as well as to reiterate their essential role in transforming food systems.

Register here


13.30-14.00 Registration and welcome coffee

14.00-14.10 Opening words from Anna Maria Scavuzzo, Deputy Mayor, Milan

14.10-14.30 Keynote speech from Maurizio Martina Deputy General Director Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations

14.30-15.30 From ambitions to reality: how to deliver an ambitious food policy that works for everyone. Panel debate with city representatives, followed by open questions.

15.30-15.45 Small break

15.45-16.00 Investing for impact in sustainable urban food systems. Speech from Thom Achterbosch, Wageningen University and Research

16.00-17.00 Innovation, citizens’ engagement and cooperation with the private sector, how to work together in cities. Panel debate with city representatives, followed by open questions.

17.00-17.10 Concluding remarks


  • Alvaro Porro, Commissioner of Social Economy, Local Development and Food Policy, Barcelona
  • Mariam Khan, City Councillor, Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care, Birmingham
  • Patrick Papadato, Vice-President in charge of Nature, Biodiversity and Food Resilience Strategy, Bordeaux Metropole
  • Salima Djidel, City Councillor in charge of municipal catering, Grenoble Alpes Metropolitan Area
  • Anna Maria Scavuzzo, Deputy Mayor, Milan
  • Silke Beirens, Deputy Mayor responsible for Food and Climate Strategies, Agriculture and Environment, Ostend
  • Maria Karagianni, Deputy Mayor for Culture and Tourism, responsible for food policy affairs, Thessaloniki
  • Jürgen Czernohorszky, Executive City Councillor for Climate, Environment, Democracy and Personnel, Vienna
  • Karolina Zdrodowska, Head director for Entrepreneurship and Public Dialogue, Warsaw


Contact us at and for further information.

@Eurocities @MUFPP #MUFPP #EUFoodCities #Food2030EU

Since 2015, Eurocities, the network of major European cities, and the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact, an international agreement on urban food policies signed by 250+ cities worldwide, have been carrying the cities’ voice and supporting those actively committed to transforming urban food systems, improving people’s health and wellbeing and making cities more sustainable, inclusive, and future-proof.

Since October 2020, the EU-funded project Food Trails has put cities at the heart of food system transformation. This research action project gathers researchers, cities, and food organisations around the co-design and co-implementation of pilot actions, through participatory living labs, as a leverage point for developing urban food policies in 11 European cities and regions.