
Eurocities calls for fast and high-quality passenger train connections across Europe

Eurocities is calling on the European institutions to support the development of a comprehensive high-quality rail network that links all European major cities and urban centres. Amsterdam’s Deputy Mayor of Mobility Melanie van der Horst explains why: “We believe that high-quality, fast, and at the same time sustainable rail connections between our cities and metropolitan regions, are of vital importance to strengthen the European economy, to encourage cultural exchange and to enhance innovation.”

We believe that high-quality, fast, and at the same time sustainable rail connections between our cities and metropolitan regions, are of vital importance...
— Amsterdam's Deputy Mayor of Mobility Melanie van der Horst

In recent years, the EU increasingly focused on the accessibility and sustainability of transport across the continent, highlighting rail transport’s key role to keep the EU on track to carbon neutrality and economic prosperity. Cities are critical hubs in this transport transition from road and aviation to rail, tasked with integrating long-distance rail into their local mobility networks through comprehensive sustainable urban mobility plans and targeted investments. To promote the efficient development and improved maintenance of multimodal urban nodes, we ask the EU to:

  • Recognise rail transport as a top priority and key driver for fostering EU economic growth, territorial connectivity and integration, and carbon-neutral mobility.
  • Encourage and support member states to invest in the development of connectivity between urban centres via long-distance rail transport through dedicated support for urban nodes’ authorities.
  • Offer a seat at the table for cities when planning decisions are made for railway development and management.
  • Establish a regulatory framework that promotes healthy and fair competition in cross-border high-speed railways, ensuring affordable transport options and seamless cross-border, multi-operator ticketing systems for passengers.
  • Support the development of additional night train services, towards a comprehensive network at the European scale, through initiatives on railway capacities, increased number of timeslots for night connections and the renewal of dedicated rolling stock.
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Thomas Lymes Head of Advocacy
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